

Chorak, G.M., Dodd, L.L., Rybicki, N., Ingram, K., Buyukyoruk, M., Kadono, Y., Chen, Y.Y., and Thum, R.A. (2019). "Cryptic introduction of water chestnut (Trapa) in the northeastern United States," Aquatic Botany 155:32-37

Harms, N.E., and Cronin, J.T. (2019). "Variability in weed biological control: Effects of foliar nitrogen on larval development and dispersal of the alligatorweed flea beetle, Agasicles hygrophila," Biological Control 135 (2019) 16-22

Harms, N.E., and Shearer, J.F. (2019). "Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Alligatorweed pathogen, Alternaria alternantherae, in Louisiana," Southeastern Naturalist 18(3):441-450

McCulloch, G.A., Purcell, M.F. , Harms, N.E., Grodowitz, M.J., Zhang, J., Hong, S., and Walter, G.H. (2019). "Molecular screening of herbivorous flies collected from Hydrilla verticillata across China and Korea - setting up hypotheses for further exploratory surveys and tests," Biological Control 138 (2019) 104051

Nachtrieb, J.G. (2019). "Field site analysis of giant salvinia nitrogen content and salvina weevil density," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 57:7-13

Nachtrieb, J.G., Finkbeiner, W.K., and Maddox, W.J. (2019). "Amendments to giant salvinia nitrogen content increase salvinia weevil density at field sites," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 57:42-47

Prince, C.M., Quincy, K.H., Enloe, S.F., MacDonald, G.E. and Netherland, M.D. (2019). "Torpedograss response to herbicide treatment in saturated and flooded conditions," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 57:23-27

Purcell, M., Harms, N., Grodowitz, M., Zhang, J., Ding, J., Wheeler, G., Zonneveld, R., and Desmier de Chenon, R. (2019). "Exploration for candidate biological control agents of the submerged aquatic weed Hydrilla verticillata, in Asia and Australia 1996-2013," BioControl

Wood, J.D. and Netherland, M.D. (2019). "Laboratory response of monoecious Hydrilla to four slow-acting, enzyme-inhibiting herbicides," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 57:38-41


Beets, J. and Netherland, M.D. (2018). "Mesocosm response of crested floating heart, hydrilla, and two native emergent plants to florpyrauxifen-benzyl: A new arylpicolinate herbicide," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56:57-62

Blossey, B., Hafliger, P., Tewksbury, L., Davalos, A., and Casagrande, R. (2018). "Host specificity and risk assessment of Archanara geminipuncta and Archanara neurica, two potential biocontrol agents for invasive Phragmites australis in North America," Biological Control 125:98-112

Enloe, S.F., Netherland, M.D., and Lauer, D.K. (2018). "Evaluation of sethoxydim for torpedograss control in aquatic and wetland sites," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56:93-100

Enloe, S.F., Netherland, M.D., and Lauer, D.K. (2018). "Can low rates of imazapyr or glyphosate improve graminicide activity on torpedograss?," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56:13-17

Getsinger, K. and Netherland, M. (2018). "Use of herbicides in areas of high water exchange: practical considerations," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56s:39-43

MacDonald, G. and Netherland, M. (2018). "Herbicide assays for prediciting or determining plant responses in aquatic systems," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56s:67-73

Mudge, C. (2018). "Propagation methods of submersed, emergent, and floating plants for research," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56s:2-9

Mudge, C.R., and Sartain, B.T. (2018). "Influence of winter on herbicide efficacy for control of giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta)," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56:68-71

Netherland, M. and Getsinger, K. (2018). "Scaling studies for submersed aquatic plant management research," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56s:10-16

Sartain, B.T. and Mudge, C.R. (2018). "Evaluation of 12 foliar applied non-aquatic herbicides for efficacy against giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta)," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56:107-112

Schad, A.N. and Dick, G.O. (2018). "Aquatic vegetation community structure response to hydrilla management with triploid grass carp, herbicide, and native vegetation planting," Lake and Reservoir Management DOI: 10.1080/10402381.2018.1475434

Skaer Thomason, M.J., Grewell, B.J. and Netherland, M.D. (2018). "Dynamics of Ludwigia hexapetala Invasion at three Spatial Scales in a Regulated River," Wetlands.

Skaer Thomason, M.J., McCort, C.D., Netherland, M.D., and Grewell, B.J. (2018). "Temporal and nonlinear dispersal patters of Ludwigia hexapetalain a regulated river," Wetlands Ecology and Management.

Weaver, M.A., Shearer, J.F., Grodowitz, M.J., and Boyette, C.D. (2018). "Potential of Myrothecium species as bioherbicides for giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta)," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56:120-122


Enloe, S.F. and Netherland, M.D. (2017). "Evaluation of three grass-specific herbicides on torpedograss (Panicum repens) and seven non-target, native aquatic plants," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 55:65-70

Gettys, L.A., Della Torre III, C.J., Thayer, K.M., and Markovich, I.J. (2017). "Asexual reproduction and ramet sprouting of crested floatingheart (Nymphoides cristata)," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 55:83-88

Harms, N.E. and Shearer, J.F. (2017). "Early-season dynamics of alligatorweed biological control by Agasicles hygrophila in Louisiana and MIssissippi," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 55:89-95

Harms, N.E., Shearer, J.F. and Grodowitz, M.J. (2017). "Folivory and disease occurrence on Ludwigia hexapetala in Guntersville Reservoir, Alabama," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 55:19-25

Madsen, J.D., Woolf, T.E., and Wersal, R.M. (2017). "Flowering rush control on drawn-down sediment: mesocosm and field evaluations," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 55:42-45

Nault, M.E., Barton, M., Hauxwell, J., Heath, E., Hoyman, T., Mikulyuk, A., Netherland, M.D., Provost, S., Skogerboe, J. and Egeren, S.V. (2017). "Evaluation of large-scale low-concentration 2,4-D treatments for Eurasian and hybrid watermilfoil control across multiple Wisconsin lakes," Lake and Reservoir Management

Netherland, M.D. and Willey, L. (2017). "Mesocosm evaluation of three herbicides on Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) and hybrid watermilfoil," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 55:39-41

Williams, D.A., Harms, N.E., Dodd, L., Grodowtiz, M.J., and Dick, G.O. (2017). "Do the U.S. dioecious and monoecious biotypes of Hydrilla verticillata hybridize?," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 55:35-38

Wood, J.D. and Netherland, M.D. (2017). "How long do shoot fragments of hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) remain buoyant?," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 55:76-82


Glomski, L.M. and Netherland, M.D. (2016). "Impact of herbicide retention time on the efficacy of foliar treatments for control of crested floating heart," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 54:50-52

Grodowitz, M.J., Harms, N.E., and Freedman, J.E. (2016). "Use of an inexpensive chlorophyll meter to predict nitrogen levels in leaf tissues of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 54:106

Hoyer, M.V., Netherland, M.D., and Jones, D. (2016). "Littoral sediment accumulation ten years after muck removal in Lake Tohopekaliga, Florida," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 54:87-94

Madsen, J.D., Turnage, G., and Getsinger, K.D. (2016). "Efficacy of combinations of diquat or triclopyr with fluridone for control of flowering rush," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 54:68-71


Mudge, C.R. and Netherland, M.D. (2015). "Response of water hyacinth and nontarget emergent plants to foliar applications of bispyribac-sodium alone and combination treatments," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 53:7-13

Netherland, M.D. (2015). "Laboratory and greenhouse response of monoecious hydrilla to fluridone," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 53:178-184

Willey, L.N. and Netherland, M.D. (2015). "Influence of ramet coverage on sprouting of crested floating-heart ramets and response of quiescent ramets to contact herbicides," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 53:216-219


Glomski, L.M. and Netherland, M.D. (2014). "Response of waterlily, spatterdock, and hardstem bulrush to liquid and granular triclopyr treatments," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 52:81-84

Glomski, L.M., Willey, L.N., and Netherland, M.D. (2014). "The efficacy of protox-inhibiting herbicides alone and in combination with glyphosate to control crested floating heart," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 52:90-92

Mudge, C.R. and Netherland, M.D. (2014). "Response of invasive floating plants and nontarget emergent plants to foliar applications of imazamox and penoxsulam," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 52:1-7

Mudge, C.R. and Netherland, M.D. (2014). "Response of giant bulrush, water hyacinth, and water lettuce to foliar herbicide applications," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 52:75-80

Netherland, M.D. and Glomski, L.M. (2014). "Mesocosm evaluation of triclopyr on Eurasian watermilfoil and three native submersed species: The role of treatment timing and herbicide exposure," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 52:57-64

Owens, C.S., Smart, R.M., and Dick, G.O. (2014). "Effects of salinity and pH on growth of giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta Mitchell)," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 52:93-96

Wersal, R.M., Poovey, A.G., Madsen, J.D., Getsinger, K.D., and Mudge, C.R. (2014). "Comparison of late-season herbicide treatments for control of emergent flowering rush in mesocosms," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 52:85-89

Willey, L.N., Netherland, M.D., Haller, W.T., and Langeland, K.A. (2014). "Evaluation of aquatic herbicide activity against crested floating heart," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 52:47-56


Glomski, L.M. and Mudge, C.R. (2013). "Effect of subsurface and foliar applications of bispyribac-sodium on water hyacinth, water lettuce, and giant salvinia," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 51:62-65

Glomski, L.M. and Netherland, M.D. (2013). "Use of a small-scale primary screening method to predict effects of flumioxazin and carfentrazone-ethyl on native and invasive submersed plants," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 51:45-48

Manuel, K. L., J. P. Kirk, D. H. Barwick, and T. W.Bowen (2013). "Hydrilla Management in Piedmont Reservoirs Using Herbicides and Triploid Grass Carp: A Case Study," North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33L488-492

Mudge, C. (2013). "Impact of aquatic herbicide combinations on non-target submersed plants," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 51:39-44

Mudge, C.R., Harms, N.E., and Nachtrieb, J.G. (2013). "Interactions of herbicides, surfactants, and the giant salvinia weevil (Cyrtobagous salviniae) for control of giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta)," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 51:77-83

Nachtrieb, J.G. (2013). "Mass-rearing Cyrtobagous salviniae for biological control of giant salvinia: Field release implications," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 51:122-126

Poovey, A.G., Mudge, C.R., Getsinger, K.D., and Sedivy, H. (2013). "Control of submersed flowering rush with contact and systemic aquatic herbicides under experimental conditions," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 51:53-61


Berger, S.T., Netherland, M.D., and Macdonald, G.E. (2012). "Evaluating fluridone sensitivity of multiple hybrid and Eurasian watermilfoil accessions under mesocosm conditions," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50:135-141

Christopher R. Mudge, Brett W. Bultemeier, and William T. Haller (2012). "The Influence of pH and Light on Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll after Exposure to Flumioxazin," Weed Science Weed Sci. 60:4-9

Glomski, L.M. and Netherland, M.D. (2012). "Does hydrilla grow an inch per day? Measuring short-term changes in shoot length to describe invasive potential," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50:54-57

Harms, N.E., Shearer, J.F., and Grodowitz, M.J. (2012). "Natural enemies of floating marshpennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L.f.) in the southern United States," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50:63-68

McAlarnen, L.A., Barnes, M.A., Jerde, C.L., and Lodge, D.M. (2012). "Simulated overland transport of Eurasian watermilfoil: survival of desiccated plant fragments," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50:147-149

Mudge, CR, MA Heilman, HJ Theel, and KD Getsinger (2012). "Efficacy of subsurface and foliar penoxsulam and fluridone applications on giant salvinia," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50: 116-124

Owens, C.S., Smart, R.M., and Dick, G.O. (2012). "Tuber and turion dynamics in monoecious and dioecious hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata)," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50:58-62

Poovey, A.G., Mudge, C.R., Thum, R.A., James, C., and Getsinger, K.D. (2012). "Evaluations of contact aquatic herbicides for controlling two populations of submersed flowering rush," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50:48-54

Theel, HJ, LS Nelson, and CR Mudge (2012). "Growth regulating hydrilla and subsequent effects on habitat complexity," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50:129-135

Thum, R.A., Heilman, M.A., Hausler, P.J., Huberty, L.E., Tyning, P., Wcisel, D.J., Zuellig, M.P., Berger, S.T., and Netherland, M.D. (2012). "Field and laboratory documentation of reduced fluridone sensitivity of a hybrid watermilfoil biotype (Myriophyllum spicatum x Myriophyllum sibiricum)," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50:141-146


Harms, N.E. and Grodowitz, M.J. (2011). "Overwintering biology of Hydrellia pakistanae, a biological control agent of hydrilla," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 49:114-117

James, W.F. (2011). "Effects of lime addition on the growth of fanwort in softwater systems," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 49:28-32

Mcfarland, D.G. and Shafer, D.J. (2011). "Protocol considerations for aquatic pland seed bank assessment," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 49:9-19

Nachtrieb, J.G., Grodowtiz, M.J., and Smart, R.M. (2011). "Impact of invertebrates on three aquatic macrophytes: American pondweed, Illinois pondweed, and Mexican water lily," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 49:32-36

Netherland, M.D. (2011). "Comparative susceptibility of fluridone resistant and susceptible hydrilla to four ALS inhibiting herbicides under laboratory and greenhouse conditions," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 49:100-106

Shearer, J.F., Durham, B.D., and Grodowitz, M.J. (2011). "Screening of biological control pathogens isolated from Eurasian watermilfoil," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 49:118-121


Christopher R. Mudge and William T. Haller (2010). "Effect of pH on Submersed Aquatic Plant Response to Flumioxazin," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management Journal of Aquatic Plant Management

Christopher R. Mudge, William T. Haller, Michael D. Netherland and Juliann K. Kowalsky (2010). "Evaluating the Influence of pH-Dependent Hydrolysis on the Efficacy of Flumioxazin for Hydrilla Control," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management Journal of Aquatic Plant Management

LeeAnn M. Glomski and Michael D. Netherland (2010). "Response of Eurasian and Hybrid Watermilfoil to Low Use Rates and Extended Exposures of 2,4-D and Triclopyr," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 48:12-14

Poovey, A. G. and K.D. Getsinger (2010). "Comparative Response of Monoecious and Dioecious Hydrilla to Endothall," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 48:15-20

Shearer, J. F. (2010). "A Historical Perspective of Pathogen Biological Control of Aquatic Plants," Weed Technology 24:202-207


Nathan E. Harms and Michael J. Grodowitz (2009). "Insect Herbivores of Aquatic and Wetland Plants in the United States: a Checklist From Literature," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 47:73-96

Netherland, M.D., Lembi, C.A., and Glomski, L.M. (2009). "Potential for Selective Activity of the ALS Inhibitors Penoxsulam, Bispyribac-sodium, and Imazamox on Algae Responsible for Harmful Blooms," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 47:147-150

Sabol, B. M., Kannenberg, J., and Skogerboe, J. G. (2009). "Integrating Acoustic Mapping into Operational Aquatic Plant Management: a case study in Wisconsin," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 47:44-52


Best, E.P.H., Teeter, A.M., Landwehr, K.J., James, W.F., and Nair, S.K. (2008). "Exploring restoration options for potential persistence of submersed aquatic vegetation in Peoria Lake, IL, using a combined ecological, hydrodynamics and sediment transport modeling approach,," Freshwater Biology 53: 814-826.

Cuda, J.P., Charudattan, R., Grodowitz, M. J., Newman, R. M., Shearer, J. F., Tamayo, M. L., and Villegas, B. (2008). "Recent advances in biological control of submersed aquatic weeds.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:15-32

Getsinger, K.D., Netherland, M.D.,Grue,C.E., and Koschnick, T.J. (2008). "Improvements in the use of of aquatic herbicides and establishment of future research directions," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:32-42

Glomski, L.M. and Netherland, M.D. (2008). "Effect of water temperature on 2,4-D ester and carfentrazone-ethyl applications for control of variable-leaf milfoil," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:119-121

Glomski, L.M. and Netherland. M.D. (2008). "Efficacy of Fluridone, Penoxsulam, and Bispyribac-sodium on Variable-leaf Milfoil," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:193-196

James, W.F. (2008). "Effects of lime-induced inorganic carbon reduction on the growth of three aquatic macrophyte species," Aquatic Botany 88:99-104

Madsen, J., Wersal, R., Getsinger, K., Nelson, L. (2008). "Sensitivity of wild rice (Zizania palustris L.) to the aquatic herbicide triclopyr," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:150-154

McFarland, D. G. and Shafer, D. J. (2008). "Factors influencing reproduction in American wild celery: a synthesis," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46: 129-143

Nelson, L.S. and Shearer, J.F. (2008). "Evaluation of triclopyr and Mycoleptodiscus terrestris for control of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum)," Invasive Plant Science and Management 1:337-342

Netherland, M.D. (2008). "The Use of Herbicides for Managing Aquatic Vegetation in Southern Reservoirs," American Fisheries Society M.D. Netherland 2008. The Use of Herbicides for Managing Aquatic Vegetation in Southern Reservoirs. Pages 493-507 in M.S. Allen, S. Sammons, and M.J. Maceina, editors, Balancing Fisheries Management and Water Uses for Impounded River Systems

Owens, C. S., Smart, R.M., and Dick, G.O. (2008). "Resistance of vallisneria to invasion from hydrilla fragments.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:113-116

Owens, C.S., Grodowitz, M.J., and Smart, R.M. (2008). "Impact of Insect Herbivory on the Establishment of Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle Fragments," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:199-201

Owens, C.S., Smart, R.M., and Dick, G.O. (2008). "Effects of water level fluctuation on Vallisneria americana Michx growth.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:117-119

Parochetti, J., Arsenovic, M., Getsinger, K., Stubbs, D., Haller, W. (2008). "Addressing the need for herbicides for aquatic weeds in irrigation water in the US," Outlooks on Pest Management 19 (June): 112-116

Shearer, J.F. (2008). "Is Classical Biocontrol Using Fungi a Viable Option for Submersed Aquatic Plant Management?," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:202-205


Doyle, R. D., Grodowitz, M. J., Smart, R. M, and Owens, C. (2007). "Separate and interactive effects of competition and herbivory on the growth, expansion, and tuber formation of hydrilla verticillata," Biological Control 41: 327-338

Glomski, L.M. and Netherland, M.D. (2007). "Efficacy of diquat and carfentrazone-ethyl on variable-leaf milfoil.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 45: 136-138

Nelson, L. S., Glomski, L.M., and Gladwin, D.N. (2007). "Effect of glyphosate rate and spray volume on control of giant salvinia," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 45: 58-61

Poovey, A.G., and Getsinger, K.D. (2007). "Subsurface applications of triclpyr and 2,4-D amine for control of water chestnut," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 45: 63-66

Poovey, A.G., Slade, J.G., and Netherland, M.D. (2007). "Response of Eurasian and Hybrid (Myriophyllum spicatum x Myriophyllum sibiricum) watermilfoils to triclopyr and 2,4-D amine.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 45:111-115

Shearer, J. F., Grodowitz, M. J., McFarland, D. G. (2007). "Nutritional quality of Hydrilla verticillate (L.f.) Royle and its effects on a fungal pathogen Mycoleptodiscus terrestris (Gerd.) Ostazeski," Biological Control 41: 175-183

Shearer, J.F. (2007). "Some observations concerning microsclerotia and spore production of Mycoleptodiscus terrestris in culture ," Mycologia MYCOLOGIA, 99 (1): 88-90; JAN-FEB 2007

Slade, J.G., Poovey, A.G., and Netherland, M.D. (2007). "Efficacy of Fluridone on Eurasian and Hybrid Watermilfoil," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 45:116-118


Glomski, L. M., Poovey, A. G., and Getsinger, K. D. (2006). "Effect of carfentrazone-ethyl on three aquatic macrophytes," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44: 67-69

Glomski, L.M. and Getsinger, K.D. (2006). "Carfentrazone-ethyl for control of giant salvinia," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44: 136-138

Kirk, J.P. and Henderson, J.E. (2006). "Management of hydrilla in the Santee Cooper reservoirs, South Carolina: experiences from 1982 to 2004," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44:98-103

Netherland, M. D. and Haller, W. T. (2006). "Impact of management on the sprouting of dioecious hydrilla tubers," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44:32-36

Owens, C.S., Grodowitz, M.J., Smart, R.M., Harms, N.E., and Nachtrieb, J.M. (2006). "Viability of hydrilla fragments exposed to different levels of insect herbivory," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44: 145-147

Pedlow, C.L., Dibble, E.D., and Getsinger, K.D. (2006). "Littoral habitat heterogeneity and shifts in plant composition relative to a fall whole-lake fluridone application in Perch Lake, Michigan," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44:26-31

Shearer, J. F. and Jackson, M. A. (2006). "Liquid culturing of microsclerotia of Mycoleptodiscus terrestris, a potential biological control agent for the management of hydrilla," Biological Control 38:298-306

Skogerboe, J.G., Getsinger, K.D., and Glomski, L.M. (2006). "Efficacy of diquat on submersed plants treated under simulated flowing water.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44: 122-125

Thomas, R.M., Miranda, L.E., and Kirk, J.P. (2006). "Feasibility of an implantable capsule for limiting lifespan of grass carp," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44:80-89


Arias, R.S., Netherland, M.D., Scheffler, B.E., Puri, A. and Dayan, F.E. (2005). "Biology and molecular evolution of herbicide resistance to phytoene desaturase inhibitors in Hydrilla verticillata," Pesticide Management Science 61:258-268

Dayan, F.E. and Netherland, M.D. (2005). "Hydrilla, the Perfect Aquatic Weed Becomes More Noxious Than Ever ," Outlooks on Pest Management 16(4):155-159.

Glomski, L. M., Skogerboe, J.G., and Getsinger, K.D. (2005). "Comparative efficacy of diquat for control of two members of the hydrocharitaceae: elodea and hydrilla," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 43: 103-105

James, W.F. (2005). "Alum:Redox-Sensitive Phosphorus Ratio Considerations and Uncertainties in the Estimation of Alum Dosage to Control Sediment Phosphorus," Lake and Reservoir Management 21:159-164

Nelson, L. S. and Shearer, J.F. (2005). "2,4-D and Mycoleptodiscus terrestris for control of Eurasian watermilfoil," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 43:29-34

Netherland, M.D., Getsinger, K.D., and Stubbs, D. (2005). "Aquatic Plant Management: Invasive Species and Chemical Control. ," Outlooks on Pest Management 16(3): 100-104

Owens, C. S., Smart, R.M., Honnell, D.R., and Dick, G.O. (2005). "Effects of pH on Growth of salvinia molesta mithcell," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 43:34-38

Poovey, A. G., Getsinger, K.D., and Stewart, A.B. (2005). "Comparative response of two hydrilla strains to fluridone," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 43:85-90


James, W.F., and Barko, J.W. (2004). "Diffusive fluxes and equilibrium processes in relation to phosphorus dynamics in the Upper Mississippi.," River Research and Applications 20:473-484

James, W.F., Barko, J.W., and Eakin, H.L. (2004). "Impacts of sediment dwatering and rehydration on sediment nitrogen concentration and macrophyte growth," Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 538-546

James, W.F., Barko, J.W., and Butler, M.G. (2004). "Shear stress and sediment resuspension in relation to submersed macrophyte growth.," Hydrobiologia 515: 181-191

James, W.F., Best, E.P., and Barko, J.W. (2004). "Sediment resuspension and light attenuation in Peoria Lake: Can macrophytes improve water quality in this shallow system?," Hydrobiologia 515: 193-201

Michel, A., Scheffler, B.E., Arias, R.S., Duke, S.O., Netherland, M.D., and Dayan, F.E.. (2004). "Somatic mutation-mediated evoluation of herbicide resistance in the invasive plant hydrilla," Molecular Ecology 13:3229-3237

Owens, C. S., Smart, R.M., and Dick, G.O. (2004). "Regeneration of giant salvinia form apical and axillary buds following desiccation of physical damage," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 42: 117-119

Owens, C. S., Smart, R.M., and Stewart, R.M. (2004). "Low temperature limits of giant salvinia," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 42:91-94


Glomski, L.M., Nelson, L.S., and Skogerboe, J.G. (2003). "Clearigate treatments for control of giant salvinia," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 41: 127-129

Henderson, J. E., Kirk, J.P., Lamprecht, S.D., and Hayes, W.E. (2003). "Economic impacts of aquatic vegetation to angling in two South Carolina reservoirs," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 41:53-56

Kirk, J. P. and Socha, R.C. (2003). "Longevity and persistence of triploid grass carp stocked into the Santee Cooper reservoirs of South Carolina," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 41:90-92

Petty, D. G., Getsinger, K.D., and Woodburn, K.B. (2003). "A review of the aquatic environmental fate of triclopyr and its major metabolites," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 41:69-75

Poovey, A.G., Getsinger, K.D., Skogerboe, J.G., Koschnick, T., Madsen, J.D., and Stewart, R.M.. (2003). "Evaluation of low-dose small plot treatments of triclopyr for selective control of Eurasian watermilfoil," Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management

Woolf, T. E. and Madsen, J.D. (2003). "Seasonal biomass and carbohydrate allocation patterns in southern Minnesota curlyleaf pondweed populations," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 41:113-118


Glomski, L.A., Wood, K.V., Nicholson, R.L., and Lembi, C.A. (2002). "The search for exudates from eurasian watermilfoil and hydrilla," Journal of Aquatic Plant Mangement 40: 17-22

James, W.F., Barko.J.W., and Eakin, H.L. (2002). "Water quality impacts of mechanical shredding of aquatic macrophytes.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 40: 36-42

Nelson, L.S., Stewart, A.B., and Getsinger, K.D. (2002). "Fluridone effects on fanwort and water marigold," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 40: 58-63

Poovey, A. G. and Getsinger, K.D. (2002). "Impacts of inorganic turbidity on diquat efficacy against egeria densa," Journal of Aquatic Plant Mangement 40: 6-10

Poovey, A. G., Skogerboe, J.G., and Owens, C.S. (2002). "Spring treatments of diquat and endothall for curlyleaf pondweed control," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 40: 63-67

Poovey, A.G. and Getsinger, K.D. (2002). "Impacts of inorganic turbidity on diquat efficacy versus Egeria densa," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 40: 6-10

Sabol, B. and Johnston, S. (2002). "Hydrographic surveying in dense aquatic vegetation: digital signal processing for improved bottom tracking.," Hydro International 6(5): 7-9

Sabol, B., Melton, R.E., Chamberlain, R., Doering, P. and Haunert, K.. (2002). "Evaluation of a digital echo sounder for detection of submersed aquatic vegetation.," Estuaries 25(1): 133-141

Shearer, J. F. (2002). "The potential role of endophytic fungus in the decline of stressed eurasian watermilfoil," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 40: 76-78

Shearer, J. F. and Nelson, L.S. (2002). "Integrated use of endothall and a fungal pathogen for management of the submersed aquatic macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata.," Weed Technology 16: 224-230

Skogerboe, J.G. and Getsinger, K.D. (2002). "Endothall species selectivity evaluations: northern latitude aquatic plant community," Journal of Aquatic Plant Mangement 40: 1-5


Killgore, K. J., and J. J. Hoover (2001). "Effects of hypoxia on fish assemblages in a vegetated waterbody," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 39: 40-44

Madsen, J. D., Chambers, P.A., James, W.F., Koch, E.W., and Westlake, D.F. (2001). "The interaction between water movement, sediment dynamics and submersed macrophtes.," Hydrobiologia 444: 71-84


Cofrancesco, A. F. (2000). "Factors to consider when using native biological control organisms to manage exotic plants.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 38: 117-120

Killgore, K. J. and Hoover, J.J. (2000). "Effects of hypoxia on fish assemblages in a vegetated waterbody.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 39: 40-44

Kirk, J. P., J. V. Morrow, K. J. Killgore, S. J. DeKozlowski, and J. W. Preacher (2000). "Population response of triploid grass carp to declining levels of hydrilla in the Santee Cooper reservoirs, South Carolina," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 38: 14-17

Kirk, J. P., Killgore, K.J., Morrow, J.V., Lamprecht, S.D., and Cooke, D.W. (2000). "Movements of triploid grass carp in the Cooper River, South Carolina.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 39:59-62

Nelson, L. and Getsinger, K.D. (2000). "Herbicide evaluation for control of wild taro.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 38: 70-72

Nelson, L., Skogerboe, J.G., and Getsinger, K.D. (2000). "Herbicide evaluation against giant salvinia.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 39: 48-53

Owens, C. S., Madsen, J.D., Smart, R.M., and Stewart, R.M. (2000). "Dispersal of native and nonnative aquatic plant species in the San Marcos River, Texas.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 39: 75-78

Pennington, T. G., J. G. Skogerboe, and Getsinger, K.D. (2000). "Herbicide/copper combinations for improved control of Hydrilla verticillata.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 39: 56-58


Guan, W., Chamberlain, R.H., Sabol, B.M., and Doering, P.H. (1999). "Mapping submerged aquatic vegetation with GIS in the Caloosahatchee Estuary: evaluation of different interpolation methods.," Marine Geodesy 22: 69-91

James, W. F., and Barko, J.W. (1999). "Convective water exchanges in a wind-sheltered littoral region of Eau Galle Reservoir, Wisconsin USA.," Archive fur Hydrobiologie. 145 (3): 373-383

Madsen, J. D., and Smith, D.H. (1999). "Vegetative spread of dioecious hydrilla colonies in experimental ponds.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 37: 25-29

Madsen, J. D., Getsinger, K.D., Stewart, R.M., Skogerboe, J.G., Honnell, D.R., and Owens, C.S. (1999). "Evaluation of transparency and light attenuation by Aquashade.," Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management 15: 142-147

McFarland, D. G., and Barko, J.W. (1999). "High-temperature effects on growth and propagule formation in hydrilla biotypes.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 37: 17-25


Barko, J.W. and James, W.F. (1998). "Effects of submerged aquatic macrophytes on nutrient dynamics, sedimentation, and resuspension.," The Structuring Role of Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes Springer Verlag, New York

Cofrancesco, A. F. (1998). "Overview and future direction of biological control technology.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 49-53

Doyle, R. D. and Smart, R.M. (1998). "Competitive reduction of noxious Lyngbya wollei mats by rooted aquatic plants.," Aquatic Botany 61: 17-32

Getsinger, K. D. (1998). "Chemical control research in the Corps of Engineers.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 61-64

Getsinger, K. D. (1998). "Aquatic Plant Management Society: A sense of history.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 2-4

Grodowitz, M. J. (1998). "An active approach to the use of insect biological control for the management of non-native aquatic plants.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 57-61

Gunkel, R. C. and Barko, J.W. (1998). "An overview of the Aquatic Plant Control Research Program.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 23-24

Killgore, K. J., Kirk, J.P., and Foltz, J.W. (1998). "Response of littoral fishes in upper Lake Marion, South Carolina following hydrilla control by triploid grass carp.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 82-87

Madsen, J. D. (1998). "Overview of the ecological assessment technology area.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 25-27

Madsen, J. D. (1998). "Predicting invasion success of Eurasian watermilfoil.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 28-32

Madsen, J. D. and Owens, C.S. (1998). "Seasonal biomass and carbohydrate allocation in dioecious hydrilla.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 138-145

Madsen, J. D., Grodowitz, M.J., Stewart, R.M. Whitaker, S. and Jeffers, L. (1998). "Computer tools developed for aquatic plant management.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 78-82

Madsen, J. D., Owens, C.S., and Getsinger, K.D. (1998). "Evaluation of four herbicides for management of American frogbit (Limnobium spongia).," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 148-150

McFarland, D. G. and Rogers, S.R. (1998). "The aquatic macrophyte seed bank in Lake Onalaska, Wisconsin.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 33-39

Nelson, L. S., Shearer, J. F., and Netherland, M.D. (1998). "Mesocosm evaluation of integrated fluridone-fungal pathogen treatment on four submersed plants," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 73-77

Owens, C. W. and Madsen, J.D. (1998). "Phenological studies of carbohydrate allocation in hydrilla.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 40-44

Poovey, A. G. and Kay, S.H. (1998). "The potential of a summer drawdown to manage monoccious hydrilla.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 127-130

Shearer, J. F. (1998). "Biological control of hydrilla using an endemic fungal pathogen.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 54-56

Sisneros, D., Lichwardt, M., and Greene, T. (1998). "Low-dose metering of Endothall for aquatic plant control in flowing water.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 69-72

Smart, R. M., Dick, G.O., and Doyle, R.D. (1998). "Techniques for establishing native aquatic plants.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 44-49

Sprecher, S. L., Getsinger, K.D., and Stewart, A.B. (1998). "Selective effects of aquatic herbicides on sago pondweed.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 64-68

Sprecher, S. L., Netherland, M.D., and Stewart, A.B. (1998). "Phytoene and carotene response of aquatic plants to fluridone under laboratory conditions.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 36: 111-120


Center, T. D., Grodowitz, M.J., Cofrancesco, A.F., Jubinsky, G., Snoddy, E., and Freedman, J.E. (1997). "Establishment of Hydrellia pakistanae (Diptera: Ephydridae) for the Biological Control of the Submersed Aquatic Plant Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae) in the Southeastern United States.," Biological Control 8: 65-73

Doyle, R. D., Smart, R.M., Guest, C., and Bickel, K. (1997). "Establishment of native aquatic plants for fish habitat: test plantings in two North Texas reservoirs.," Lake and Reservoir Management 13: 259-269

Getsinger, K. D., Turner, E.G., Madsen, J.D., and Netherland, M.D. (1997). "Restoring native plant vegetation in a Eurasian watermilfoil- dominated plant community using the herbicide triclopyr.," Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 13: 357-375

James, W. F. and Barko, J.W. (1997). "Net and gross sedimentation in relation to the phosphorus budget of Eau Galle Reservoir, Wisconsin.," Hydrobiologia 345: 15-20

Madsen, J. D. (1997). "Seasonal biomass and carbohydrate allocation in a southern population of Eurasian watermilfoil.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 35: 15-21

Madsen, J. D. and Smith, D.H. (1997). "Vegetative spread of Eurasian watermilfoil colonies.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 35: 63-68

Morrow, J. V., Kirk, J.P. and Killgore, K.J. (1997). "Collection, age, growth, and population attributes of triploid grass carp stocked into the Santee-Cooper reservoirs, South Carolina.," North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17(1): 38-43

Nelson, L. S. (1997). "Response of hydrilla and American pondweed to flurprimidol.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 35: 50-54

Netherland M. D. (1997). "Turion ecology of hydrilla.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 35: 1-11

Netherland, M. D., Getsinger, K.D., and Skogerboe, J.D. (1997). "Mesocosm evaluation of the species-selective potential of Fluridone.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 35: 41-50

Standifer, N. E. and Madsen, J.D. (1997). "The effect of drying period on the germination of Eurasian watermilfoil seeds.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 35: 35-36

Wheeler, G. S. and Center, T.D. (1997). "The influence of hydrilla stem quality on growth and development of the biological control agent Bagous hydrillae.," Biological Control 8: 52-57


Balciunas, J. K. and Burrows. D.W. (1996). "Distribution, abundance and field host-range of Hydrellia balciunasi Bock (Diptera: Ephydridae), a biological control agent for the aquatic weed, Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle.," Australian Journal of Entomology 35: 125-130

Balciunas, J. K., Burrows, D.W., and Purcell, M.F. (1996). "Comparison of the physiological and realized host-ranges of a biological control agent from Australia for the control of the aquatic weed, Hydrilla verticillata.," Biological Control 7: 148-158

Buckingham, G. R. and Bennett, C.A. (1996). "Laboratory biology of an immigrant Asian moth, Parapoynx diminutalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), on Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae).," Florida Entomology 79: 353-363

Burrows, D. W., Balciunas, J.K., and Edwards, E.D. (1996). "Herbivorous insects associated with the paperbark Melaleuca quinquenervia and its allies: V. Pyralidae and Other Lepidoptera.," Australian Entomologist 23: 7-16

Dibble E. D., K. J. Killgore, and S. H. Harrel. (1996). "Assessment of fish-plant interactions.," American Fisheries Society Symposium 16: 357-372

Dibble, E. D., Killgore, K.J., and Dick, G.O. (1996). "Measurement of plant architecture in seven aquatic plants.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 11(3): 311-318

Dray, F. A., and Center, T.D. (1996). " Suitability of monoecious hydrilla in the United States as a host for the biocontrol agent Hydrellia pakistanae (Diptera: Ephydridae).," Biological Control 7: 275-280

James, W. F. and Barko, J.W. (1996). "Phosphorus mobilization from littoral sediments of an inlet region in Lake Delevan, Wisconsin.," Archive fur Hydrobiologie. 138: 245-257

Madsen, J. D., Bloomfield, J.A., Sutherland, J.W., Eichler, L.W., and Boylen, C.W. (1996). "The aquatic macrophyte community of Onondaga Lake, New York: Field survey and plant growth bioassays of lake sediments.," Lake and Reservoir Management 12: 73-79

Morrow, J. V., J. P. Kirk, and K. J. Killgore (1996). "Age, growth, and population attributes of triploid grass carp stocked into the Santee-Cooper reservoirs, South Carolina," North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:38-43

Nelson, L. S. (1996). "Growth regulation of Eurasian watermilfoil with flurprimidol.," Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 15(1): 33-38

Nelson, L. S., Getsinger, K.D, and Freedman, J.E. (1996). "Efficacy of triclopyr on purple loosestrife and associated wetland vegetation.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 34: 72-74

Netherland, M.D. and Shearer, J.F. (1996). "Integrated use of fluridone and a fungal pathogen of control of hydrilla," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 34: 4-8

Pemberton, R. W. (1996). "The potential of biological control for suppression of invasive weeds in southern environments.," Castanea 61: 313-319

Rayachhetry, M.B., Blakeslee, G.M., and Center, T.D. (1996). "Predisposition of the nonindigenous weed tree Melaleuca quinquenervia to invasion by the potential biological control agent Botyrosphaeria ribis.," Weed Technology 44: 603-608

Rogers, S. J., McFarland, D.G., and Barko, J.W. (1996). "Evaluation of the growth of Vallisneria americana Michx in relation to sediment nutrient availability.," Lake and Reservoir Management 11: 57-66


Balciunas, J. K., Burrows, D.W., and Horak, M.H. (1995). "Herbivorous insects associated with the paperbark Melaleuca quinquenervia and its allies: IV. Tortricidae (Lepidoptera).," Australian Entomologist 22: 125-135

Balciunas, J. K., Burrows, D.W., and Purcell, M.F. (1995). "Insects to control melaleuca II: Prospects for additional agents from Australia.," Aquatics 17(1): 16-21

Flint, N. A. and Madsen, J.D. (1995). "The effect of temperature and daylength on the germination of Potamogeton nodosus tubers.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 10: 125-128

James, W. F., Barko, J.W., and Eakin, H.L. (1995). " Internal phosphorus loading in Lake Pepin (Minnesota-Wisconsin).," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 10: 269-276

Morrow, J. V., Kirk, J.P., and Killgore, K.J. (1995). "Age and growth of grass carp in Lake Guntersville, Alabama," Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 49:464-473

Netherland, M. D. and Getsinger, K.D. (1995). "Laboratory evaluation of threshold fluridone concentrations under static conditions for controlling hydrilla and Eurasian watermilfoil.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 33: 33-36

Netherland, M. D. and Getsinger, K.D. (1995). "Potential control of hydrilla and Eurasian watermilfoil under various fluridone half-life scenarios.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 33: 36-42

Owens, C. S. and Madsen, J.D. (1995). "Low temperature limits of waterhyacinth.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 33: 63-68

Rogers, S. J., McFarland, D.G., and Barko, J.W. (1995). " Evaluation of the growth of Vallisneria americana Michx in relation to sediment nutrient availability.," Lake and Reservoir Management 11: 57-66

Sprecher, S. L. and Stewart, A.B. (1995). "Triclopyr effects on peroxidase activity in target and non-target aquatic plants.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 33: 43-47

Van, T. K. and Center, T.D. (1995). "Effect of paclobutrazol and waterhyacinth weevil (Neochetina eichhorniae) on plant growth and leaf dynamics of waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes).," Weed Science 42: 665-672


Balciunas, J. K., Burrows, D.W., and Purcell, M.F. (1994). "Field and laboratory host-ranges of the Australian weevil, Oxyops vitiosa (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a potential biological control agent for the paperbark tree, Melaleuca quinquenervia.," Biological Control 4: 351-360

Balciunas, J. K., Burrows, D.W., and Purcell, M.F. (1994). "Insects to control melaleuca I: Status of research in Australia.," Aquatics 16(4): 10-13

Barko, J. W., Chambers, P.A., and Smith, C.S. (Editors). (1994). "Workshop on evaluation of invasions and declines of submersed aquatic macrophytes.," Lake and Reservoir Management 10: 1-59

Burrows, D. W., Balciunas, J.K., and Edwards, E.D. (1994). "Herbivorous insects associated with the paperbark Melaleuca quinquenervia and its allies: III. Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera).," Australian Entomologist 21: 137-142

Chambers, P. A., Barko, J.W., and Smith, C.S. (1994). "Invasions and declines of aquatic vegetation.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31: 218-220

Getsinger K. D., Dick, G.O., Crouch, R.M., and Nelson, L.S. (1994). "Mesocosm evaluation of bensulfuron methyl on Eurasian watermilfoil, vallisneria, and American pondweed.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 32: 1-6

James, W. F. and Barko, J.W. (1994). "Macrophyte influences on sediment resuspension and export in a shallow impoundment.," Lake and Reservoir Management 10: 95-102

James, W. F., Barko, J.W., and Eakin, H.L. (1994). "Convective water exchanges during differential cooling and heating: Implications for dissolved constituent transport.," Hydrobiologia 294: 167-176

Madsen, J. D. (1994). "Invasions and declines of submersed macrophytes in Lake George and other Adirondack lakes.," Lake and Reservoir Management 10: 19-23

Purcell, M. F. and Balciunas, J.K. (1994). "Life history and distribution of the Australian weevil, Oxyops vitiosa (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a potential biological control agent for Melaleuca quinquenervia (Myrtaceae).," Annals of the Entomological Society of America 87: 867-873

Shearer, J. F. (1994). "Potential role of plant pathogens in declines of submersed macrophytes.," Lake and Reservoir Management 10: 9-12

Turner, E. G., Getsinger, K.D., and Netherland, M.D. (1994). "Correlation of Triclopyr and Rhodamine WT dye dissipation in the Pend Oreille River.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 32: 39-41


Balciunas, J. K. and Burrows, D.W. (1993). "The rapid suppression of the growth of Melaleuca quinquenervia saplings in Australia by insects.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31: 265-270

Balciunas, J. K. and Chen, P.P. (1993). " Distribution of hydrilla in northern China: implications on future spread in North America.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31: 105-109

Balciunas, J. K., Bowman, G.J., and Edwards, E.D. (1993). "Herbivorous insects associated with the paperbark Melaleuca quinquenervia and its allies: I. Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera).," Australian Entomologist 20: 13-24

Balciunas, J. K., Burrows, D.W., and Edwards, E.D. (1993). "Herbivorous insects associated with the paperbark Melaleuca quinquenervia and its allies: II. Geometridae (Lepidoptera).," Australian Entomologist 20: 91-98

Dray, F. A., and Center, T.D. (1993). "Phytophagous insects associated with waterlettuce (Pistia stratiotes) in Florida.," Environmental Entomology 22: 1146-1155

Forno, I. W. and Cofrancesco, A.F. (1993). "New Frontiers in Biocontrol.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31: 222-224

Fox, A. M., Haller, W.T., and Getsinger, K.D. (1993). "Correlation of endothal and fluorescent dye concentrations following concurrent application to tidal canals.," Pesticide Science 37: 99-106

Hartleb, C.F., Madsen, J.D., and Boylen, C.W. (1993). "Environmental factors affecting seed germination in Myriophyllum spicatum.," Aquatic Botany 45: 15-25

James, W. F. and Barko, J.W. (1993). "Sedimentation resuspension, redeposition, and focusing in a small dimictic reservoir.," Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50: 1023-1058

James, W. F. and Barko, J.W. (1993). "Analysis of summer phosphorus fluxes within the pelagic zone of Eau Galle Reservoir, Wisconsin.," Lake and Reservoir Management 8: 61-71

Madsen, J. D. (1993). "Biomass techniques for monitoring and assessing control of aquatic vegetation.," Lake and Reservoir Management 7: 141-154

Madsen, J. D. (1993). "Waterchestnut seed production and management in Watervliet Reservoir, New York.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31: 271-272

Madsen, J. D. (1993). "Growth and biomass allocation patterns during waterhyacinth mat development.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31: 134-137

Madsen, J.D. and Bloomfield, J.A. (1993). "Aquatic vegetation quantification symposium: An overview.," Lake and Reservoir Management 7: 137-140

Methe, B. A., Soracco, R.J., Madsen, J.D., and Boylen, C.W. (1993). "Seed production and growth of waterchestnut as influenced by cutting.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31: 154-157

Nelson, L. S., Netherland, M.D., and Getsinger, K.D, (1993). "Bensulfuron methyl activity on Eurasian watermilfoil.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31: 179-185

Netherland, M. D., Getsinger, K.D., and Turner, E.G. (1993). "Fluridone concentration and exposure time requirements for control of hydrilla and Eurasian watermilfoil.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 32: 189-194

Sprecher, S. L., Stewart, A.B., and Brazil, J.M. (1993). "Peroxidase levels as indicators of herbicide-induced stress in aquatic plants: techniques for analysis.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31: 45-50


Center, T. D. and Dray, F.A. (1992). "Associations between waterhyacinth weevils (Neochetina eichhorniae and N. bruchi) and phenological stages of Eichhornia crassipes in southern Florida.," Florida Entomology 75(2): 196-211

Fox, A. M., Haller, W.T., and Getsinger, K.D. (1992). "Correlation of bensulfuron methyl and dye concentrations in water following concurrent application.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 30: 73-74

Gunnison, D. and Barko, J.W. (1992). "Factors influencing gas evolution beneath a benthic barrier.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 30: 22-28

James, W. F., Taylor, W.D., and Barko, J.W. (1992). "Production and vertical migration of Ceratium hirundinella in relation to phosphorus availability in Eau Galle Reservoir, Wisconsin.," Canadian Journal of Fish and Aquatic Sciences 49: 694-700

McFarland, D. G., Barko, J.W., and McCreary, N.J. (1992). "Effects of sediment fertility and initial plant density on the growth of Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle and Potamogeton nodosus Poiret.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 7: 191-200

Netherland, M.D. and Getsinger, K.D. (1992). "Efficacy of triclopyr on Eurasian watermilfoil: Concentration and exposure time effects.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 30: 1-5

Netherland, M.D. and Lembi, C.A. (1992). "Gibberellin synthesis inhibitor effects on submersed aquatic weed species.," Weed Science 40: 29-36


Balciunas, J.K. and Purcell, M.F. (1991). "Distribution and biology of a new Bagous weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) which feeds on the aquatic weed, Hydrilla verticillata.," Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 30: 333-338

Barko, J. W., Gunnison, D., and Carpenter, S.R. (1991). "Sediment interactions with submersed macrophyte growth and community dynamics.," Aquatic Botany 41: 41-65

Barko, J. W., Smart, R.M., and McFarland, D.G. (1991). "Interactive effects of selected environmental conditions on the growth of submersed macrophytes.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 6: 199-207

Bennett, C. A. and Buckingham, G.R. (1991). "Laboratory biologies of Bagous affinis and B. laevigatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) attacking tubers of Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae).," Annals of the Entomological Society of America 84: 420-428

Buckingham, G. R., Okrah, E.A., and Christian-Meier, M. (1991). "Laboratory biology and host range of Hydrellia balciunasi [Diptera: Ephydridae].," Entomophaga 36(4): 575-586

Center, T.D. and Kipker, R.L. (1991). "First Florida record for Acanthoscelides quadridentatus (Schaeffer) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), a potential biological control agent of Mimosa pigra.," Florida Entomology 74(1): 159-162

Center, T.D. and Wright, A.D. (1991). "Age and phytochemical composition of waterhyacinth (Pontederiaceae) leaves determine their acceptability to Neochetina eichhorniae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).," Environmental Entomology 20(1): 323-334

Fox, A. M., Haller, W.T., and Getsinger, K.D. (1991). "Factors that influence water exchange in spring-fed tidal canals.," Estuaries 14(4): 404-413

Grodowitz, M. J., Stewart, R.W., and Cofrancesco, A.F. (1991). "Population dynamics of waterhyacinth and the biological control agent Neochetina eichnorniae (Coleoptera: curculionidae) at a southeast Texas location.," Environmental Entomology 20: 222-224

James, W. F. and Barko, J.W. (1991). "Estimation of phosphorus exchange between littoral and pelagic zones during nighttime convective circulation.," Limnology and Oceanography 36: 179-187

James, W. F., Barko, J.W., and Taylor, W.D. (1991). "Effects of alum treatment on phosphorus dynamics in a north-temperate reservoir.," Hydrobiologia 215: 231-241

James, W.F. and Barko, J.W. (1991). "Macrophyte influences on the zonation of sediment accretion and composition in a north-temperate reservoir.," Archive fur Hydrobiologie 120: 129-142

Madsen, J. D., Hartleb, C.F., and Boylen, C.W. (1991). "Photosynthetic characteristics of Myriophyllum spicatum and six submersed macrophyte species native to Lake George, New York.," Freshwater Biology 26: 233-240

Madsen, J. D., Sutherland, J.W., Bloomfield, J.A., Eichler, L.W., and Boylen, C.W. (1991). "The decline of native vegetation under a canopy of Eurasian watermilfoil.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 29: 94-99

Netherland, M. D., Green, W.R., and Getsinger, K.D. (1991). "Endothall concentration and exposure time relationships for the control of Eurasian watermilfoil and hydrilla.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 29: 61-67

Turner, E. G., Netherland, M.D., and Getsinger, K.D. (1991). "Submersed plants and algae as factors in the loss of Rhodamine WT dye.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 29: 113-115


Barko, J. W., James, W.F., Taylor, W.D., and McFarland, D.G. (1990). "Effects of alum treatment on phosphorus and phytoplankton dynamics in Eau Galle Reservoir: A synopsis.," Lake and Reservoir Management 6: 1-8

Dray, F. A., T. D. Center, Habeck, D.H., Thompson, C.R., Cofrancesco, A.F., and Balciunas, J.K. (1990). "Release and establishment in the southeastern U.S. of Neohydronomus pulchellus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), an herbivore of waterlettuce.," Environmental Entomology 19(3): 799-802

Grodowitz, M. J., Stewart, R.M., and Cofrancesco, A.F. (1990). "Population dynamics of waterhyacinth and the biocontrol agent, Neochetina eichhorniae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Southeast Texas.," Environmental Entomology 20: 652-660

Lillie, R. A. and Barko, J.W. (1990). "The influence of sediment composition and groundwater inputs on the distribution of Myriophylum spicatum in a north-temperate seepage lake.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 5: 417-426

Luu, K. T. and Getsinger, K.D. (1990). "Seasonal biomass and carbohydrate allocation in waterhyacinth.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 28: 3-10

McFarland, D.G. and Barko, J.W. (1990). "Temperature and day length effects on growth and tuber formation in Hydrilla.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 28: 15-19

Smith, C.S. and Barko, J.W. (1990). "Ecology of Eurasian watermilfoil.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 28: 55-64

Twilley, R. R. and Barko, J.W. (1990). "The response of selected submersed macrophytes to experimental light and salinity conditions representative of estuarine conditions.," Estuaries 13: 311-321


Center, T.D. and Van, T.K. (1989). "Alteration of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) leaf dynamics and phytochemistry by insect damage and plant density.," Aquatic Botany 35: 181-95

Dray, F.A. and Center, T.D. (1989). "Seed production by Pistia stratiotes in the U. S.," Aquatic Botany 33: 155-60

Dray, F.A. and Center, T.D. (1989). "Immature stages of the aquatic moth Petrophila drumalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) from Pistia stratiotes (waterlettuce).," Florida Entomology 72(4): 711-4

Gunnison, D.G. and Barko, J.W. (1989). "Rhizosphere ecology of rooted submersed macrophytes.," Water Resources Bulletin 25: 193-201

Killgore, K. J., Morgan, R.P., and Rybicki, N.B. (1989). "Distribution and abundance of fishes associated with submersed aquatic plants in the Potomac River.," North American Journal of Fisheries Management 9(1): 101-111

Madsen, J. D. and Boylen, C.W. (1989). "Eurasian watermilfoil seed ecology from an oligotrophic and eutrophic lake.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 27: 119-121

Morgan, R. P., Killgore, K.J., and Douglas, N.H. (1989). "Modified popnet design for collecting fishes in varying depths of submersed aquatic vegetation.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 4(4): 533-539

Stefan, H.G., Horsch, G.M., and Barko, J.W. (1989). "A model for the estimation of convection exchange in the littoral region of a shallow lake during cooling.," Hydrobiologia 174: 225-234


Barko, J.W., Smart, R.M., McFarland, D.G., and Chen, R.L. (1988). "Interrelationships between the growth of Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle and sediment nutrient availability.," Aquatic Botany 32: 205-216

Carter, V., Barko, J.W., Godshalk, G.L., and Rybicki, N. (1988). "Effects of submersed macrophytes on water quality in the tidal Potomac River.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 4: 493-501

Chen, R.L. and Barko, J.W. (1988). "Effects of freshwater macrophytes on sediment chemistry.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 4: 279-289

Madsen, J.D. and Adams, M.S. (1988). "The nutrient dynamics of a submersed macrophyte community in a stream ecosystem dominated by Potamogeton pectinatus L.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 4: 541-550

Taylor, W.D., Barko, J.W., and James, W.F. (1988). "Diel patterns of vertical migration in Ceratium hirundinella (Pyrrophyta) in relation to phosphorus supply in a north temperate reservoir.," Canadian Journal of Fish and Aquatic Sciences 45: 1093-1098


Center, T. D. (1987). "Do waterhyacinth leaf age and ontogeny affect the intra-plant dispersion of Neochetina eichhorniae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) eggs and larvae? Environ.," Entomol. 16: 699-707

Center, T. D. (1987). "Insects, mites, and plant pathogens as agents of waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.)Solms) leaf and ramet mortality.," Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management 3: 285-293

McFarland, D.G. and J Barko, J.W. (1987). "Interactive influences of temperature and sediment type on growth and morphology of Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 4: 245-252

Sabol, B.M. (1987). "Environmental Effects of Aquatic Disposal of Chopped Hydrilla.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 25: 19-23


Ballou, J. K., Tsai, J.H., and Center, T.D. (1986). "Effects of temperature on the development, natality, and longevity of Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae (L.) (Homoptera:Aphididae).," Environmental Entomology 15: 1096-1099

Barko, J.W. and Smart, R.M. (1986). "Sediment-related mechanisms of growth limitation in submersed macrophytes.," Ecology 67: 1328-1340

Barko, J.W., Adams, M.S., and Clesceri, N.L. (1986). "Environmental factors and their consideration in the management of submersed aquatic vegetation: a review.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 42: 1-10

Center, T.D. and Durden, W.C. (1986). "Variation in waterhyacinth / weevil interactions resulting from temporal differences in weed control efforts.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 24: 28-38


Filbin, G.J. and Barko, J.W. (1985). "Growth and nutrition of submersed macrophytes in a eutrophic Wisconsin impoundment.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 3: 275-286

Smart, R.M. and Barko, J.W. (1985). " Laboratory culture of submersed freshwater macrophytes on natural sediments.," Aquatic Botany 21: 251-263


Barko, J.W., Bates, D.J., Filbin, G.J., Hennington, M.S., and McFarland, D.G. (1984). "Seasonal growth and community composition of phytoplankton in a eutrophic Wisconsin impoundment.," Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2: 519-534

Center, T. D. (1984). "Dispersal and variation in infestation intensities of the waterhyacinth moth (Sameodes albiguttalis, Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) in peninsular Florida.," Environmental Entomology 13: 482-491

Wright, A.D. and Center, T.D. (1984). "Predicting population intensity of adult Neochetina eichhorniae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from incidence of feeding on leaves of waterhyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes.," Environmental Entomology 13: 1478-1482


Barko, J. W. (1983). "The growth of Myriophyllum spicatum L. in relation to selected characteristics of sediment and solution.," Aquatic Botany 15: 91-103

Barko, J.W. and Filbin, G.J. (1983). "Influences of light and temperature on chlorophyll composition in submersed macrophytes.," Aquatic Botany 15: 249-255

Barko, J.W. and Smart, R.M. (1983). "Effects of organic matter additions to sediment on the growth of aquatic plants.," J. Ecol. 71: 161-175


Barko, J. W. (1982). "Influence of potassium source (sediment vs. open water) and sediment composition on the growth and nutrition of a submersed freshwater macrophyte.," Aquatic Botany 12: 157-172

Barko, J. W., Hardin (McFarland), D. G., and Matthews, M. S. (1982). "Growth and morphology of submersed freshwater macrophytes in relation to light and temperature.," Canadian Journal of Botany 60: 877-887

Center, T. D., Balciunas, J.K., and Habeck, D.H. (1982). "Descriptions of Sameodes albiguttalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) life stages with key to Lepidoptera larvae on waterhyacinth.," Annals of the Entomological Society of America 75(4): 471-479

Center, T. D., Steward, K.K., Bruner, M.C. (1982). "Control of Waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) with Neochetina eichhorniae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and growth retardant.," Weed Science 30(5): 453-457

Getsinger, K. D., Davis, G.J., and Brinson, M.M. (1982). "Changes in a Myriophyllum spicatum L. community following 2,4-D treatment.," Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 20: 4-8


Balciunas, J.K. and Center, T.D. (1981). "Preliminary host specificity tests of a Panamanian Parapoynx as a potential biological control agent for hydrilla.," Environmental Entomology 10(4): 462-7

Barko, J.W. and Smart, R.M. (1981). "Sediment-based nutrition of submersed freshwater macrophytes.," Aquatic Botany 10: 339-352

Barko, J.W. and Smart, R.M. (1981). "Comparative influences of light and temperature on the growth and metabolism of selected submersed freshwater macrophytes.," Ecol. Monograph 51: 219-235

Center, T.D. and Durden, W.C. (1981). "Release and establishment of Sameodes albiguttalis for the biological control of waterhyacinth.," Environmental Entomology 10(1): 75-80

Center, T.D. and Spencer, N.R. (1981). "The phenology and growth of waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.)Solms) in a eutrophic north-central Florida lake.," Aquatic Botany 10(1): 1-32


Barko, J.W. and Smart, R.M. (1980). "Mobilization of sediment phosphorus by submersed freshwater macrophytes.," Freshwater Biology 10: 229-238

Smart, R.M. and Barko, J.W. (1980). "Nitrogen nutrition and salinity tolerance of Distichlis spicata and Spartina alterniflora.," Ecology 61: 630-638


Barko, J.W. and Smart, R.M. (1979). "The nutritional ecology of Cyperus esculentus, an emergent aquatic plant.," Aquatic Botany 6: 13-28


Barko, J. W. (1978). "Interactions among primary producer organisms and the aquatic environment.," Bull. Lake Sci. 3: 21-33

Barko, J.W. and Smart, R.M. (1978). "The growth and biomass distribution of two emergent freshwater plants, Cyperus esculentus and Scirpus validus, on different sediments.," Aquatic Botany 5: 109-117

Smart, R. M. and Barko, J.W. (1978). "Influence of sediment salinity and nutrients on the physiological ecology of selected salt marsh plants.," Estuarine, Coastal and Marine Science 7: 487-495


Barko, J.W., Murphy, P.G., and Wetzel, R.G. (1977). "An investigation of primary production and ecosystem metabolism in a Lake Michigan dune pond.," Arch. Hydrobiol. 81: 155-187