Conference Publications


Sabol, B., Graves, M.R., and Preston, J.W. (2007). "Evaluation of Multibeam Hydrographic System Performance in Dense Seagrass," Proceedings of the U.S. Hydro 2007 Conference, Norfolk, VA, May 14-17, 2007


Sabol, B. and Johnston, S.A. (2001). "Innovative techniques for improved hydroacoustic bottom tracking in dense aquatic vegetation.," Proceedings of the U.S. Hydrographic Society Conference, 22-24 May 2001, Norfolk, VA.


Boylen, C.W., Eichler, L.W., and Madsen, J.D. (1998). "Expansion of Eurasian watermilfoil from a single point of growth and its effect upon the native plant community.," Proc. 10th European Weed Res. Soc. Symp. on Aquat. Weeds, Lisbon, Portugal.


Barko, J.W. and James, W.F. (1997). "Effects of submersed macrophytes on nutrient dynamics, sedimentation and resuspension.," (E. Jeppesen. M. Sondergaaard, M. Sondergaard, and K. Christoffersen, eds.): The Structuring Role of Submersed Macrophytes in Lakes. Spring-Verlag, NY., pages: 7: 1-9

Sabol, B., McCarthy, E., and Rocha, K. (1997). "Hydroacoustic basis for detection and characterization of eelgrass (Zostera marina).," Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Remote Sensing of Marine Environments, pages: 679-693


Shearer, J. F. (1996). "Development of a fungal pathogen for biocontrol of the submersed aquatic macrophyte, Hydrilla verticillata.," Proceedings of the IX International Symposium on Biological Control (eds. J. Hoffmann and C. Moran), Capetown, South Africa.

Smart, R. M., Doyle, R.D., Madsen, J.D., and Dick, G.O. (1996). "Establishment of native submersed aquatic plant communities for fish habitat.," L. E. Miranda and D. R. DeVries (eds.) Multidimensional Approaches to Reservoir Fisheries Management. American Fisheries Society Symposium. 16: 347-356.

Wheeler, G.S. and Center, T.D. (1996). "The influence of hydrilla leaf quality on larval growth and development of the biological control agent Hydrellia pakistanae.,"

Balciunas, J. and Burrows, D. (1996). "Demonstrating the potential for classical biological control of a weed prior to release of agents.," Proc. IX Int. Symp. Biol. Control of Weeds, 21-26 January 1996, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. (V. C. Moran and J. H. Hoffmann, Eds.)

Burrows, D. and Balciunas, J. (1996). "Prospects for biological control of a large tree, Melaleuca quinquenervia.," Proc. IX Int. Symp. Biol. Control of Weeds, 21-26 January 1996, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. (V.C. Moran and J.H. Hoffmann, Eds.)

Center, T. D. (1996). "Biological control of waterhyacinth in the United States.," R. Charudattan, R. Labrada, C. Kelley, and T. D. Center (eds.). Proceedings of the FAO Workshop on Strategies for Waterhyacinth Control. Univ. Fla., Off. Int. Prog., Gainesville, Fla., pages: 165-180

Center, T. D., Frank, J.H., and Dray, F.A. (1996). "Biological control for managing invasive non-indigenous species.," D. Simberloff, T. Brown, and D. Schmitz (eds.). Strangers in paradise: Impact and management of nonindigenous species in Florida, Island Press, Washington, D.C., pages: 347-373

Cofrancesco, A. F. (1996). "Waterhyacinth control program in the USA.," R. Charudattan, R. Labrada, C. Kelley, and T. D. Center (eds.). Proceedings of the FAO workshop on strategies for waterhyacinth control. Univ. Fla., Off. Int. Prog., Gainesville, Fla., pages: 153-164

Grodowitz, M. J., Jeffers, L., Graham, S., and Nelson, M. (1996). "Innovative approaches to transferring information on the use of biological control for noxious and nuisance plant management.," Proc. of the IX International Symp. on Biological Control of Weeds, V. C. Moran and J. H. Hoffmann (eds). 19-26 January 1996, Stellenbosch, South Africa, University of South Africa.

Julien, M. H., Harley, K. L. S., Wright, A.D., Cilliers, C., Morris, M., Center, T., and Cofrancesco, A. (1996). "International cooperation and linkeages in the management of water hyacinth with emphasis on biological control.," V. C. Moran and J. H. Hoffman (eds.). Proceedings of the IX International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds. 19-26 January 1996, Stellenbosch, South Africa. University of Cape Town., pages: 273-282


Morrow, J.V. and Kirk, J.P. (1995). "Age and growth of Grass Carp in Lake Guntersville, Alabama.," Proc. Annual Conf. Southeast Assoc. Fish and Wildlife Agencies 49:187-194

Cofrancesco, A.F. and Center, T.D. (1995). "Release and establishment of insect biological control agent for Hydrilla verticillata.," Proc. VII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, Canterbury, New Zealand. (E.S. Delfosse and R.R. Scott, Eds.).

Balciunas, J. K. (1995). "The search in China for potential biological control agents for Eurasian watermilfoil and hydrilla.," Proc. VIII Int. Symp. Biol. Control of Weeds, 2-7 February 1992, Lincoln University, New Zealand. (E.S. Delfosse and R.R. Scott, Eds.).

Balciunas, J. K., Burrows, D.W., and Purcell, M.F. (1995). "Australian insects for the biological control of the paperbark tree, Melaleuca quinquenervia, a serious pest of Florida, U.S.A., wetlands.," Proc. VIII Int. Symp. Biol. Control of Weeds, 2-7 February 1992, Lincoln University, New Zealand. (E.S. Delfosse and R.R. Scott, Eds.)., pages: 247-267

Balciunas, J. K., Purcell, M.F., and Burrows, D.W. (1995). "Australian insects as biological control agents for the submersed aquatic weed, Hydrilla verticillata, in the U.S.A.," Proc. VIII Int. Symp. Biol. Control of Weeds, 2-7 February 1992, Lincoln University, New Zealand. (E.S. Delfosse and R.R. Scott, Eds.)., pages: 237-245

Purcell, M. F., Balciunas, J.K., and Bowman, G. (1995). "The United States Department of Agriculture, Australian Biological Control Laboratory.," Proc. VIII Int. Symp. Biol. Control of Weeds, 2-7 February 1992, Lincoln University, New Zealand. (E.S. Delfosse and R.R. Scott, Eds.).


Chambers, P. A., Barko, J.W., and Smith, C.S. (1994). "Workshop synthesis.," Barko, J. W., P. A. Chambers, and C. S. Smith (Editors). 1994. Workshop on evaluation of invasions and declines of submersed aquatic macrophytes. Lake and Reservoir Management, 10: 57-59.

Barko, J. W., Smith, C.S., and Chambers, P.A. (1994). "Perspectives on submersed macrophyte invasions and declines.," Barko, J. W., P. A. Chambers, and C. S. Smith (Editors). 1994. Workshop on evaluation of invasions and declines of submersed aquatic macrophytes. Lake and Reservoir Management, 10: 1-3.

Habeck, D. H., Bennett, F.D., and Balciunas, J.K. (1994). "Biological control of terrestrial and wetland weeds.," Pest Management in the Subtropics: Biological Control - A Florida Perspective. Rosen, D., F.D. Bennett and J.L. Capinera (eds.). Intercept Ltd., Hampshire, United Kingdom., pages: 523-547

Center, T. D. (1994). "Chapter 23. Biological control of weeds: Waterhyacinth and waterlettuce. pp. 481-521.," D. Rosen, F. D. Bennett, and J. L. Capinera. (eds.). Pest Management in the Subtropics: Biological Control - A Florida Perspective. Intercept Publ. Co., Andover, U. K. 737.


Madsen, J. D. (1993). "Growth of waterhyacinth in North Texas.," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science 96: 12-17

Doyle, R. D., Dickson, K., and Sturges, D. (1993). "Created wetlands on Lake Ray Roberts, Texas: design, pre-impoundment status, and research opportunities.," Landin, M.C. (ed.) Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Society of Wetland Scientist, New Orleans, LA. South Central Chapter, Society of Wetland Scientist, Utica, MS., pages: 827-834

Smart, R. M., Doyle, R.D., Murphy, D., and Webb, D. (1993). "Establishment of floating-leaved and emergent wetland vegetation to restore degraded littoral environments.," Landin, M.C. (ed.) Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Society of Wetland Scientist, New Orleans, LA. South Central Chapter, Society of Wetland Scientist, Utica, MS., pages: 663-667


Center, T. D. (1992). "Biological control of weeds in waterways and on public lands in the southeastern United States of America.," Proceedings of the First International Weed Control Congress, Melbourne, Australia. 17-21 Feb. 1992. Weed Sci. Soc. Vict., Inc. Publ., Agmedia Printers, E. Melbourne, Australia., pages: 256-263


Balciunas, J. K. and Center, T.D. (1991). "Chapter 1. Biological control of Melaleuca quinquenervia: Prospects and conflicts.," T. D. Center, R. F. Doren, R. L. Hofstetter, R. L. Myers, and L. D. Whiteaker (Eds.). Proc. Symp. Exotic Pest Plants, Miami, Fla. 2-4 Nov. 1988. U.S. Dept. Int., Nat. Park Serv., Washington, D.C., pages: 38008

Madsen, J. D. (1991). "Resource allocation at the individual plant level.," M. S. Adams (Editor), The Ecology of Submersed Aquatic Macrophytes. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Special Issue, Aquatic Botany, 41: 67-86.


Center, T. D., Cofrancesco, A.F., and Balciunas, J.K. (1990). "Biological control of wetland and aquatic weeds in the southeastern United States.," Proc. VII Int. Symp. Biol. Contr. Weeds, 6-11 March 1988, Rome, Italy. E. S. Delfosse (ed.). 1st Sper. Veg. (MAF)., pages: 239-262


Kleiss, B.A. and Barko, J.W. (1988). "Preliminary report on the water chemistry and hydrology of a bottomland hardwood forest in Arkansas.," Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists., pages: 73-76

Lodge, D.M., Barko, J.W., Strayer, D., Melack, J.M., Mittelbach, G.G., Howarth, R.W., Menge, B., and Titus, J.E.. (1988). "Spatial heterogeneity and habitat interactions in lake communities.," Carpenter (ed.). Complex Interactions in Lake Communitites. Springer-Verlag, pages: 181-208


Kennedy, R. H., Barko, J.W., James, W.F., Taylor, W.D., and Godshalk, G.L. (1987). "Aluminum sulfate treatment of a eutrophic reservoir: rationale, application methods and preliminary results.," Lake and Reservoir Management Volume 3. Proc. Sixth Annual Conf. Int. Symp. N. Am. Lake Manage. Soc., N. Am. Lake Manage. Soc., Washington, DC, pages: 85-90


Barko, J.W. and Smart, R.M. (1986). "Sediment composition: effects on growth of submersed aquatic vegetation.," In Anderson, L. (ed.). Proceedings of International Symposium on watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) and related Halagoraceae species. Journal of Aquat. Plant Manage. Special Publication., pages: 72-78


Center, T. D. (1985). "Leaf life tables: a viable method for assessing sublethal effects of herbivory on waterhyacinth shoots.," Proc. VI Int. Symp. Biol. Contr. Weeds, 19-25 Aug. 1984, Vancouver, Can. Agric. Can., pages: 511-24

Godshalk, G.L. and Barko, J.W. (1985). "Vegetative succession and decomposition in reservoirs.," Gunnison, D. (ed.). Microbial Processes in Reservoirs., pages: 59-77


Cofrancesco, A.F., Stewart, M.R., and Sanders, D.R. (1984). "The impact of Neochetina Eichhorniae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on waterhyacinth in Louisiana.," Proc. VI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds. Vancouver, Canada., pages: 525-536

Sabol, B.M. (1984). "Development and use of the WES hydraulically operated submersed aquatic plant sampler.," ASTM Special Technical Publication 843, Ecological Assessment of Macrophyton. (Proceedings of ASTM Symposium on Macrophyton Sampling, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, February 1983), pages: 46-57


Sabol, B.M. (1983). "Simulation modeling to evaluate aquatic plant mechanical control in Buffalo Lake, Wisconsin.," Proceedings 36th Annual Meeting, Southern Weed Science Society. 36:322-335.


Barko, J. W. (1981). "The influence of selected environmental factors on submersed macrophytes - a summary.," Proceedings of ASCE Symposium on Surface Water Impoundments, Minneapolis, MN., pages: 1378-1382

Center, T. D. (1981). "Biological control and its effect on production and survival of waterhyacinth leaves.," Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Biol. Control Weeds, Brisbane, Australia. 1980:393-410.


Barko, J.W. and Smart, R.M. (1979). "The role of Myriophyllum spicatum in mobilization of sediment phosphorus.," Pages 177-190 In J. R. Breck, R. T. Prentki, and O. L. Loucks, editors. Aquatic Plants, Lake Management and Ecosystem Consequences of Lake Harvesting. Proceedings of Conference at Madison, Wisconsin. February 14-16, 1979.


Barko, J. W. and Smart, R.M. (1976). "Establishment and growth of selected freshwater and coastal marsh plants in relation to characteristics of dredged sediments.," Dredging-Environmental Effects and Technology. Symcon Publishing Co., P.O. Box 1800, San Pedro, California., pages: 449-468